A Bit of News

Hello! Welcome! 

As you can see, things are looking a bit spiffed up around here, mostly due to the lovely and talented Danielle Bellert. I've also finally switched over from blogger to my very-own custom url. It only took five years...Don't forget to update your readers!

Also, you may notice over there in the right hand column is a little bit of news. Actually it's kind of crazy big news, but I am trying to keep it cool. I am writing a book! With Ten Speed Press! A real book, with a hard cover, filled with all of the same things I love to write about on this blog and it will be straight-up packed with photos (film and digital!). If you have talked to me in the last couple of years about writing a book (which inevitably comes up when you are pals with lots of food media peeps) you have probably heard me say some version of, "No, I don't think I want to write a book." or "What unique thing do I have to share?" or "Maybe someday, but not now." All of that was definitely true, but part of me was searching and hoping for a long term, intensive project so when an opportunity presented itself and the time felt right, I just went for it. Phew.

While writing the book I'll still be writing my column over at Food52, freelancing, updating this blog and keeping up with all of my social media accounts. I hope you will continue to follow along!

Thank you for all of your support! 

p.s. I'm sure there will be some kinks to work out and broken links here and there so if you notice any problems with the new blog please email me and let me know: apt2bbakingco@gmail.com Thanks!