End of Year

I will reach an age milestone this year and I'm sure you can guess which one. I try not to put too much weight in my age, but I won't say that I haven't thought of the next year in it's context. When I was younger, I probably planned to be married with a certain number of kids in a certain type of house in a certain city that was certainly not New York. I never planned to live here you see, but about 7 years ago I took a leap and only look back occasionally when I miss my family and the Pacific Northwest which I maintain is one of the most beautiful places on this earth, but that is a story for another day. I am here and this is a time for looking forward.
I am not one for formal resolutions, but let's all try to be kinder, stronger and more generous in 2014. I am also hoping to go with the flow and get shit done in equal measures.
Cheers and Happy New Year, and as always, thank you for following me here.
these photos are some favorites and some that I haven't shared before for whatever reason